ABA | American Bankers Association |
ACH | Automated Clearing House |
ACU | America’s Credit Unions (CUNA & NAFCU) |
ADA | Americans with Disabilities Act |
AFFN | Armed Forces Financial Network |
AICPA | American Institute of Certified Public Accountants |
ALCO | Asset Liability Committee |
ALM | Asset Liability Management |
AML | Anti-Money Laundering |
ANPR | Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking |
ANSI | American National Standards Institute |
APR | Annual Percentage Rate |
APY | Annual Percentage Yield |
APYE | Annual Percentage Yield Earned |
AR | Suspicious Activity Report |
ARM | Adjustable Rate Mortgage |
ATM | Automated Teller Machine |
BRAC | Base Realignment and Closure |
BSA | Bank Secrecy Act |
CAMEL | Capital Adequacy, Asset Quality, Management, Earnings, Asset/Liability Management |
CAP | Community Action Plan CAR |
CAR | Capital Asset Ratio |
CARM | Convertible Adjustable Rate Mortgage |
CBO | Congressional Budget Office |
CCCS | Consumer Credit Counseling Service |
CCI | Consumer Confidence Index |
CCPA | Consumer Credit Protection Act |
CCUN | Corporate Credit Union Network |
CD | Certificate of Deposit |
CDCU | Community Development Credit Union |
CDFI | Community Development Financial Institution |
CDI | Credit Disability Insurance |
CFA | Consumer Federation of America |
CFO | Chief Financial Officer |
CFPB | Consumer Financial Protection Bureau |
CIO | Chief Information Officer |
CLF | Central Liquidity Facility |
CMIG | CUNA Mutual Insurance Group |
CMO | Collateralized Mortgage Obligation |
COE | Cost of Equity |
COLA | Cost of Living Adjustment |
COO | Chief Operations Officer |
CPA | Certified Public Accountant |
CP-G | Connecting Point – Greeley |
CPI | Collateral Protection Insurance, Consumer Price Index |
CPS | Corporate Protective Services |
CPS | Card Processing Systems |
CPSC | Consumer Product Safety Commission |
CRA | Community Reinvestment Act |
CTR | Currency Transaction Report |
CU | Credit Union, Consumers Union |
CUES | Credit Union Executives Society |
CULAC | Credit Union Legislative Action Committee |
CUMAA | Credit Union Membership Access Act |
CUNA | Credit Union National Association |
CUSO | Credit Union Service Organization |
DES | Data Encryption Standard |
DFAS | Defense Finance and Accounting Service |
DFI | Depository Financial Institution |
DI | Depository Institution |
DOJ | Department of Justice |
DOL | Department of Labor |
DR | Disaster Recovery |
DRIP | Dividend Reinvestment Plan |
DRP | Disaster Recovery Plan |
EBP | Electronic Bill Payment |
ECOA | Equal Credit Opportunity Act |
EDP | Electronic Data Processing |
EEOA | Equal Employment Opportunity Act |
EEOC | Equal Employment Opportunity Commission |
EFT | Electronic Funds Transfer |
EFTPS | Electronic Federal Tax Payment System |
EIC | Earned Income Credit |
EIN | Employer Identification Number |
EITC | Earned Income Tax Credit |
EPA | Environmental Protection Agency |
ERISA | Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 |
ET | Secure Electronic Transaction |
FACTA | Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act |
FASB | Financial Accounting Standards Board |
FBI | Federal Bureau of Investigation |
FCC | Federal Communication Commission |
FCU | Federal Credit Union |
FDIC | Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation |
FEMA | Federal Emergency Management Agency |
FFIEC | Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council |
FHA | Federal Housing Administration |
FHFB | Federal Housing Finance Board |
FHLB | Federal Home Loan Bank |
FHLMC | Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac) |
FICA | Federal Insurance Contribution Act |
FinCEN | Financial Crimes Enforcement Network |
FIRREA | Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act |
FISCU | Federally Insured State Credit Union |
FLSA | Fair Labor Standards Act |
FmHA | Farmers Home Administration |
FMLA | Family Medical Leave Act |
FNMA | Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) |
FOI(A) | Freedom of Information Act |
FOM | Field of Membership |
FOMC | Federal Open Market Committee |
FPA | Flexible Premium Annuity |
FPR | Financial Performance Report |
FR | Federal Reserve |
FRAP | Floating Rate Asset Program |
FRB | Federal Reserve Bank |
FRFS | Federal Reserve Financial Services |
FTC | Federal Trade Commission |
FTE | Full Time Employee |
FUTA | Federal Unemployment Tax Act |
FY | Fiscal Year |
GAAP | Generally Accepted Accounting Principles |
GAAS | Generally Accepted Auditing Standards |
GAC | Governmental Affairs Conference |
GAO | Government Accounting Office |
GDP | Gross Domestic Product |
GFE | Good Faith Estimate |
GLBA | Gramm, Leach, Bliley Act of 1999 |
GNP | Gross National Product |
GSA | Government Services Administration |
GSE | Government Sponsored Enterprise |
HCE | Highly Compensated Employee |
HEL | Home Equity Loan |
HELOC | Home Equity Line of Credit |
HIPAA | Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 |
HMDA | Home Mortgage Disclosure Act |
HOEPA | Home Ownership and Equity Protection Act of 1994 |
HTM | Hold to Maturity |
HUD | Department of Housing and Urban Development |
IBAA | Independent Banks Association of America |
IMF | International Monetary Fund |
INS | Immigration and Naturalization Service |
IRA | Individual Retirement Arrangement (or Account) |
IRC | Internal Revenue Code |
IRPS | Interpretive Ruling and Policy Statement |
ISO | International Standards Organization |
JHA | Jack Henry & Associates |
LAN | Local Area Network |
LLC | Limited Liability Company |
LLP | Limited Liability Partnership |
LO | Loan Officer |
LOC | Line of Credit |
LP | Loan Protection (Insurance) |
LRC | Legislative Research Council |
LTV | Loan to Value |
MBI | Mechanical Breakdown Insurance |
MBL | Member Business Loan |
MBS | Mortgage Backed Securities |
MICR | Magnetic Ink Character Recognition |
MIP | Membership Identification Policy |
MLCA | Money Laundering Control Act of 1986 |
MMA | Money Market Account |
MMDA | Money Market Demand Account |
MO | Money Order |
MSA | Medical Savings Account |
MSA | Metropolitan Statistical Area |
MSAs | Mandatory Supervisory Actions |
MSR | Member Service Representative |
MSRP | Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price |
MTD | Month to Date |
MVi | Millennial Vision |
MVPE | Market Value of Portfolio Equity |
MWCUA | Mountain West Credit Union Association |
NACHA | National Automated Clearing House Association |
NAFCU | National Association of Federal Credit Unions |
NAHA | National Affordable Housing Act |
NASCUS | National Association of State Credit Union Supervisors |
NASD | National Association of Securities Dealers |
NAV | Net Asset Value |
NBFI | Nonank Financial Institution |
NCCO | NAFCU Certified Compliance Officer |
NCIB | Net Income on Clearing Balances |
NCUA | National Credit Union Administration |
NCUSIF | National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund |
NEV | Net Economic Value |
NFCC | National Foundation for Credit Counseling |
NFIP | National Flood Insurance Program |
NFPA | National Fire Protection Association |
NHCE | NonHighly Compensated Employee |
NSF | Non Sufficient Funds |
NTSB | National Transportation Safety Board |
NWR | Net Worth Ratio |
NWRP | Net Worth Restoration Plan |
NYSE | New York Stock Exchange |
OCC | Office of the Comptroller of the Currency |
ODFI | Originating Depository Financial Institution |
OFAC | Office of Foreign Asset Control |
OMB | Office of Management and Budget |
OSHA | Occupational Safety and Health Administration |
P&A | Purchase and Assumption |
PAC | Political Action Committee |
PCA | Prompt Corrective Action |
PDFI | Participating Depository Financial Institution |
PFI | Primary Financial Institution |
PIN | Personal Identification Number |
PMI | Private Mortgage Insurance |
PMSA | Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area |
POS | Point of Sale |
PPI | Producer Price Index |
RBNW | Risk Based Net Worth |
RD | Regional Director (NCUA) |
RDFI | Receiving Depository Financial Institution |
REFCO | Resolution Funding Corporation |
REMIC | Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit |
RESPA | Real Estate Settlement and Procedures Act |
RFP | Request for Proposal |
ROA | Return on Assets |
ROE | Return on Equity |
RSA | Rate Sensitive Assets |
RSF | Rate Sensitive Funds |
RTC | Resolution Trust CorporatioSAR |
SBA | Small Business Administration |
SCRA | Servicemembers’ Civil Relief Act |
SCUAP | Small Credit Union Assistance Program |
SDN | Specially Designated Nationals |
SEC | Securities and Exchange Commission |
SEG | Select Employee Group |
SEMP | Stock Exchange Medallion Program |
SEP | Simplified Employee Plan |
SEPP | Simplified Employee Pension Plan S |
SFAS | Statement of Financial Accounting Standard |
SFHA | Special Flood Hazard Area |
SIMPLE | Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees |
SMBS | Stripped Mortgage Backed Securities |
SMSA | Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area |
SSA | Social Security Administration |
SSCRA | Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Civil Relief Act |
SSI | Supplemental Security Income |
TAAPS | Treasury’s Automated Auction Processing System |
TIAC | Thrift Institutions Advisory Council |
TILA | Truth In Lending Act |
TIN | Taxpayer Identification Number |
TIP | Treasury Investment Program |
TIPS | Treasury Inflation Protection Securities |
TISA | Truth in Savings Act |
UBIT | Unrelated Business Income Tax |
UCC | Uniform Commercial Code |
USPAP | Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practices |
VA | Veteran’s Administration |
VAP | Volunteer Achievement Program |
VAR | Value Added Reseller |
VEVRAA | Vietnam Era Veterans’ Readjustment Assistance Act |
VLP | Volunteer Leadership Program |
WAL | Weighted Average Life |
YTD | Year To Date |
ZCB | Zero Coupon Bond |