Did you know? Most loans qualify for a relationship discount! If you have an active checking account or active credit card with First Education or have your loan paid automatically, you may qualify for a 0.50% APR discount. Ask for details!
Personal Loans
Personal Loans | APR* | Loan Term** |
Closed-End/Lines of Credit | 9.99%-16.99% APR* | 12-60 Months |
Debt Consolidation Loans | 11.99%-16.99% APR* | 60-84 Months |
Auto Loans
Auto Loans | APR* | Loan Term** |
New Vehicles | 5.99%-15.49% APR* | 48-84 Months |
Used Vehicles | 6.49%-16.99% APR* | 48-84 Months |
Recreational Vehicles | 8.99%-16.99% APR* | 48-120 Months |
Home Loans
Home Loans | APR* | Loan Term** |
Home Equity Loans*** | As low as 5.25% | Contact Credit Union |
First Mortgage | Contact Credit Union | Terms up to 180 Months |
Fixed Rate Second Mortgage | Contact Credit Union | Terms up to 180 Months |
Credit Cards
Credit Cards | APR* | Grace Period for Purchases | Minimum Finance Charge | Annual Fee | Method of Computing Balance for Purchases |
Visa Platinum | 8.99% to 16.99% | 25 Days | $0.01 | None | Average Daily Balance (Including new purchases) |
Other Credit Card Fees:
Transaction Fee for Purchases: $0.00
Cash Advance Fee: $0.00
Late Payment Fee: $20.00
Over Credit Limit Fee: $0.00
Cash Advance APR: Purchase APR
Foreign Transaction Fee: 1.00% of transaction amount
* Annual Percentage Rate. Your credit rating, collateral value, and loan term are used to determine your final rate.
** The longest term does not always qualify for the lowest rate.
*** Variable rate tied to Prime as published in the Wall Street Journal on the first business day of each month. Floor rate is 5.00% APR. Maximum rate is 18.00% APR.
All rates are subject to change without notice. For current rates, call (307) 432-7400.