
A team of good people, dedicated to doing the right thing: That’s the short and sweet version. 

The longer version begins back in 1947, when a group of Laramie County teachers founded First Education Federal Credit Union (FEFCU) right here in Cheyenne. 

Tucked away off one of the city’s busiest streets, FEFCU provides all the conveniences of a large financial institution—from checking accounts and loans, to mortgages and mobile banking—from a comfortable, easily accessible location in north Cheyenne. 

Over the years, the FEFCU team has warmly welcomed thousands of new members; 

celebrated dozens of employees for their decades of service; and proudly lived their values of financial education and financial responsibility. 

By leading with a culture of community, the FEFCU team has established something much bigger than a credit union: They’ve established themselves as a trustworthy partner who wants only the best for their members—and to teach those members how to make the best decisions with their money! 

What makes FEFCU different?

Though they’ve grown significantly in their 70-plus years, FEFCU still feels like the epitome of what makes small-town banking special. 

When members come in to the bank, they’re welcomed with a warm greeting and friendly wave—often from the same FEFCU employees they’ve been working with for years! 

Just as you’d expect from a Laramie County credit union, FEFCU’s employees are genuinely dedicated to creating a great experience for their members. They believe in knowing members by name, taking the time for one-on-one conversations, and ensuring members have all the knowledge and guidance they need to make the best financial choices for themselves and their families. What other financial institutions would consider to be “going above and beyond” is simply the standard for FEFCU—and they wouldn’t have it any other way.

At FEFCU, “education” is more than part of their name; it’s the entire “why” behind what they do. 

Knowing the future starts today, FEFCU happily shares their financial knowledge with members, empowering and encouraging them to make smart, well-informed choices about their finances.

Whether setting up an account for a brand-new member, or putting together a loan for someone who’s been banking with FEFCU for years, the FEFCU team is committed to teaching members how to make the best decisions about their money. (Even if that means directing them to a product or account somewhere else!) 

Keeping in line with their dedication to fiscal responsibility, FEFCU committed early on to only providing financial products that made sense for their members… and they’re more than happy to educate their members on the “why!” 

Truly a breath of fresh air in the financial realm, FEFCU sets the standard for what it looks like when a credit union truly puts its members First


Where the future starts today. 

Words we use to describe ourselves

  • Fair
  • Honest
  • Kind
  • Friendly
  • Trustworthy
  • Knowledgeable
  • Helpful

How we refer to ourselves

Permissible Abbreviations of Name

Beside our full name, First Education Federal Credit Union, the following are the only abbreviations allowed in any written communication:

• First Education Federal CU
• First Education FCU

Impermissible Substitutions in Name

The following are not allowed in any type of communications:

• Replacing First with ‘1st’ or similar use of the number one.
• Abbreviating ” Federal Credit Union” in any way except “FCU”.
• Abbreviating ” Credit Union” in any way except “CU”.
• Omitting ” Federal” from our name except when using “FCU”.

Internal Documents

The use of First Education or First Ed is allowable in internal documents. However, using “1st” is never allowed. These terms are also acceptable in conversation.